Friday, February 8, 2013

What Can We Do About Domestic Violence NOW?

Whether or not the final reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act allows tribes to prosecute non-Indians who harm Native women, the question still remains of what we are doing, can do and will do to prevent these crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice.

No matter how you look at the statistics, a lot of rape, battering, stalking, child abuse and elder abuse cases already fall under the jurisdiction of tribal authorities, but aren't adequately prevented or prosecuted. The problems are legion. Tribal systems are overburdened, underfunded and often understaffed; the tribal jail system is "unbelievably broken" (according to a comment about a 2008 BIA study); victims and family members are often unwilling to involve police or press charges; drug or alcohol use may impact the reliability of testimony; and when criminals move to other reservations, their arrest records rarely follow them.  Like eating a whale, these obstacles seem overwhelming, but can be reduced one bite at a time.

Congress can:
Fully fund the Tribal Law and Order Act, federal prosecutor's offices and existing public health programs, as well as create new funds for tribes to increase staffing, facilities, training, services and education.

Tribal governments can:
Make addressing domestic violence a priority by encouraging collaboration among tribal departments, seek and allocate funding for service providers and programs, actively participate in education and outreach, and ban non-Native offenders from tribal lands.

Tribal law enforcement can:
Stock adequate rape kits, seek funding to beef up staffing and training, collaborate with federal law enforcement and other tribal police to share best practices and resources, and work with health care providers and tribal or state service providers to deliver victim services, and share data with other tribes.

Tribal courts can:
Implement alternative sentences such as restitution for offenders, document cases so repeat offenders are identified and prosecuted accordingly, share data with other tribes and exercise the enhanced sentencing under TLOA.

Healthcare workers can:
Learn how to identify and screen victims of domestic violence, carefully document and report cases, develop a referral network of service providers, and provide resource materials for patients.

Families and friends can:
Learn about available resources, contact your tribal and federal government representatives to insist on change, organize safety and prevention programs, and support victims in leaving dangerous situations, prosecuting their attacker and in the healing process.

Victims can:
Share experiences with other victims in the community, help each other to find the strength to stop the abuse and to heal, and to raise a voice in protest against a culture that allows these crimes.

More Resources:
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Mending the Sacred Hoop
Tribal grant programs to prevent violence against women
Love is Respect: teen dating violence site
Men's Resource Center for Change
Guide to raising awareness in Indian Country

Do you have more ideas? We want to hear them!! Lamar Associates has started a new group, called SafeRez on LinkedIn and we welcome everyone who wants to change our communities for the better. Come and join the conversation!