Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Ever-Changing Jurisdictional Maze

A bill is making its way through the Washington state legislature right now that creates a procedure to for tribes to request jurisdiction over civil and criminal matters, including delinquency, truancy and adoption. On the flip side, the New Mexico Supreme Court just restricted tribes' sovereign immunity when it comes to casino liquor sales.

Anyone who has worked in Indian Country justice knows figuring out authority and responsibility in any given case can be a challenge. Often the laws were confusing to begin with and the jurisdictional landscape keeps changing through court and legislative actions. To help you get a grip on who has jurisdiction when, Indian Country Training instructor Joseph Rosen is offering a terrific webinar on April 5th on Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country under TLOA. Don't miss this participatory and interactive course- you won't even have to leave your desk to take it.