Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Walter Lamar White House Visit - February 6th

Walter was invited to the White House to witness President Obama sign the Executive Order creating the Economic Recovery Advisory Board. The signing was held on February 6, 2009 and before attending the signing the group of invitees had a chance to interact with top White House staff who fielded questions regarding the Stimulus Package. There is a strong focus on engaging small business in the economic recovery plan.

The atmosphere at the White House follows with the President's promise to ensure a more open and accessible administration. Walter had a chance to shake the President's hand and said, "the job loss numbers are critical to the country's overall economic stability; they are less important to Indian Country as unemployment rates have historically hovered upwards of 60 to 80 percent. Can't lose jobs we didn't have in the first place. Native owned business is ready to help bring employment to Indian Country." The President agreed and replied, "we must work doubly hard to create employment in Indian Country. Walter gave him a "Buy Native" button.

Click on the title to veiw the CSPAN video of the event. Near the end of the video, when the President is greeting the visitors, you will see Walter talking to him.