Thursday, September 24, 2009

National Indian Health Board Conference

Steve Juneau presented at the conference on behalf of Lamar Associates.

Dear Mr. Walter Lamar:

On behalf of the National Indian Health Board (NIHB), thank you for your participation and support of our 26th Annual NIHB Consumer Conference in Washington, D.C. Over 400 participants attended our informational plenary sessions and 35 different workshops while approximately 33 different vendors and exhibitors were showcased during the conference. This conference brought together Tribal leaders, federal representatives, health providers, and others from across Indian Country, and your expertise and enthusiasm were valuable to the success of our conference.

We deeply appreciate the sacrifice of your time, your efforts and the willingness to travel to attend our conference; we are grateful for your dedication to Indian Country. Because of your vast experience in the Indian health field, we feel your participation was of great benefit to our conference attendees.

Your support of the NIHB Annual Consumer Conference helps us in the advancement of our overall mission to eliminate health disparities in Indian Country. We hope we can continue to count on your support of our organization and its mission to advocate on behalf of all Tribal Governments and American Indians/Alaska Natives for quality health care.

Thank you for your part in making this year’s 26th Annual Consumer Conference a success and we hope to see you at the next year’s conference.


Reno Keoni Franklin

Chairman, National Indian Health Board

Stacy A. Bohlen